Why Drive? A look into your future London transport system
The concept of Why Drive is that in the coming years cars will inevitably become completely self driving or at least contain a high amount of autonomy. I wanted to step back from just designing another pod or city car that drives itself around town. I wanted to focus on the infrastructure of the cities and if certain aspects of them could be adapted to suit the world we are heading towards. Why Drive system uses street-light locations as beacons which give a live feed of the world around them. as they are stationary the moving elements are mapped and tracked live to give a system constantly updating feeds. This mapping and tracking can be used to guide the vehicles around the city with minimal computing needed by the vehicles themselves. This could result in smaller lighter vehicles which will lessen the overall energy consumption.

Another side of having the live mapping and tracking is that the vehicle and system can constantly arrange the traffic flow around the area, diverting or speeding up traffic where it is needed. So in the near future you and many others will be asking Why Drive? and hopping into one of our vehicles.
The visuals used at this concept stage are very much minimal as I was focusing on how the infrastructure could operate. Future updates will include a much more well rounded design and more aesthetically pleasing visuals. But I hope the ideas expressed are thought provoking.
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